Group Summary

When it comes to politics, the way the media frames current issues has the ability to have a strong effect on the way people’s political opinions are influenced. Tactics such as agenda setting, the use of opinion leaders, and the spiral of silence can be utilized by political figures in order to sway public opinion … More Group Summary

Behavior Biden

by LeJzae Davidson Although its been a couple of years since former Vice President Joe Biden has been in office, he is still the talk of the town! Joe Biden, most known for being partner, bestfriend, and Vice President to Barack Obama from 2008-2016, has become a trending name on your favorite news sites in … More Behavior Biden

Political Polarization: More Than Just Red vs. Blue

By: Julia Granato “Trump Sees Dead People: Promises Crowd He’ll Bring Joe Paterno Back from the Grave”. The crazy headlines we see in the news, like the one above, are always catching our eyes now a days, especially with our current President and the attention he draws. These headlines are delivered from both Democrats and … More Political Polarization: More Than Just Red vs. Blue

Fake News

by LeJzae Davidson While there are many news sites to get your local news, sports news, entertainment news and so much more, there are even more sites that provide the nation with disinformation, also known as, “fake news.” What is fake news? Fake news is a new term that has come up in politics. Its … More Fake News

The Connected Candidate: How social media has changed political campaigns

By: Tess Lesesne The Facebook Election  The 2008 election was one of the first presidential elections where we saw social media use start to have a strong effect on how candidates interacted with potential voters. Candidates used platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in order to connect and interact with their supporters. President Obama … More The Connected Candidate: How social media has changed political campaigns